
e-App FAQs

Do I need to be appointed with F&G to submit an annuity e-App?

Yes, in order to submit an annuity e-App you must have an active annuity contract with F&G and the appropriate state appointments completed.

I have completed the application but am not able to submit – help!

There are a couple of reasons you may have this issue:

Incomplete information:

Check to ensure that all required questions and sections are completed. The easiest way to do this is to use the “Open/Close” drop-down navigate on the left side to navigate to the appropriate section – it looks like this:

Button that says open

Any pages or sections with incomplete questions will be shown in red, allowing you to jump directly to that page. The question or missing information on the selected page will also be highlighted in red.

Agent validation:

If you received an ERROR during the agent validation process, this is an indication that due to a contracting or licensing requirement you are not currently able to submit this application. Contact our contracting team at 800-445-6758, option 4 to obtain specific information on what is necessary in order for you to submit.

Application number:

After filling out the application and prior to collecting signatures, you will be prompted to “Generate Application Number” and also to check off a box indicating that you have generated the application number. Ensure these steps are complete.

Can I view/print my completed application after submission?

Yes! On the main screen for your e-Apps, you will see a list of any applications you have started or completed through e-App. Select the application you wish to view and then go to “Other Actions.” By selecting “Display/Print PDF” on the drop-down menu, you have the ability to see and download the completed application to save, print or send to your marketing organization, as needed.

How do I use e-signature on the application?

You must use the e-signature feature within the e-App should you wish to collect an electronic signature from your client. We are not able to accept e-signatures utilizing any other tool outside of the F&G-approved technology (that which is automatically available on the e-App). For example, signatures captured on a tablet and copied/pasted into the application will not be accepted. “DocuSign”, “Adobe-Sign”, copy/paste or any other means of collecting an electronic signature is not currently approved by F&G and cannot be accepted on e-App or paper applications.

I am trying to complete the “agent validation” and received an error in red text stating there is an issue with the agent code. What do I do?

Please contact our contracting team at 800-445-6758, option 4 to determine what is needed in order to complete the requirements necessary to submit the e-App. You can choose to proceed with the application and complete the forms with your client, but you will not be able to submit the application until you receive clearance from contracting and can complete the agent validation successfully.

I am taking an application on a minor who does not yet have state-issued identification, and I am required to enter identification information in order to submit the application. What do I do?

Please enter “child – no ID” or “minor – no ID” in the driver’s license field, select “State Issued” for the type, and indicate the owner's resident state in the drop-down menu. You must complete this section, but you are able to provide a statement indicating that the applicant is a child with no driver’s license. If the minor is of legal driving age (16 in most states) and has a driver’s license, this information is required.

I have an application with a 1035 transfer. Do I need to do anything differently when using e-App or e-signature through e-App?

When you complete the existing insurance and replacement sections of the application, ensure you have included all the correct information about the existing coverage and 1035. This will trigger the F&G required forms for 1035, which must be completed. Some carriers do require “wet signatures” on the Transfer Form, and some carriers may have their own specific requirements. You or your client must contact the existing carrier to determine any additional forms, and determine if they require a “wet signature.” F&G will not be able to advise you of the specific requirements of any other carriers prior to submission. Should the existing carrier have any specified requirements, ensure these are collected and mailed to F&G (including the application number), or upload with the e-App. If the existing carrier needs original documents, the form must be mailed to F&G.

I need to make a change to information entered in the e-App, how can I do this?

As long as the signature section has not been initiated, you are able to navigate back to the section to make any necessary changes. If you realize a change is needed after you have collected the signatures, you will need to print the applicable forms and make the appropriate corrections. The client must initial and date those corrections and then submit them to F&G.

When will my e-App be processed?

The e-App will be transmitted to FGL upon successful submission. We will work to enter the application in 24-48 hours, at which time it will be visible under My Business > New Business in SalesLink.

Can I take/solicit the e-App over the telephone?

No. As is the current standard for all F&G annuity applications, the e-App is an in-person application. As part of the agent contract, agents are required to meet with clients in person. In order to assess the suitability of the client and ensure the client understands all aspects of the policy, he/she is purchasing. It is also required that the agent verify a valid photo identification, in person, for each individual on the application due to the U.S. Patriot Act. The F&G e-App platform does allow the client to complete the signatures at a later time, after meeting with the agent, to complete the application. This feature is not to be used in place of an in-person meeting with the client, it is to be used in conjunction with an in-person meeting with the client.

How do I identify my client’s application on e-App once I have started or completed it?

On the home screen for the e-App, you will see listed all of your activity (started or completed applications) using our e-App platform. This is not a list of your pending business, which can be viewed on SalesLink under My Business > New Business. In order to assist with easy identification of which application belongs to which client, rename the file as you begin (“create”) the e-Application utilizing the client’s name or other identifying information. This would need to be done at the time you begin an application as the name of the e-App file cannot be altered after you click “create.”

Does my client need an email address to apply using e-App?

Yes. If your client has elected to complete an annuity application with you using the e-App platform, they must have the ability to receive communications electronically. There are many free email vendors available on the Internet if your client does not currently have an email address. The agent's email address cannot be used as the client's email address.

System Requirements for e-App

As long as you can access, send and receive emails from the email account you have provided to us in your insurance application, you will need the following minimum computer hardware and software minimum requirements:

Recommended Browsers:

  • Google Chrome

Supported Internet Browsers:

  • Microsoft Internet Explorer, Version 9+
  • Microsoft Edge Latest Release
  • Reduced functionality with Microsoft Internet Explorer, Version B
    • Annotations within the application are disabled
    • Click-wrap signature support only
    • Pie charts within Review Queue are disabled
    • Minor visual changes to the user interface
  • Mozilla Firefox Latest Release
  • Google Chrome Latest Release
  • Safari Version Latest Release (the Windows version of Safari is not supported)
  • iPad tablet running iOS7+
  • Tablets running Android OS 4+

System Requirements:

  • Internet Access
  • Minimum Screen Resolution 1024×768
  • 128MB RAM
  • Cookies and JavaScript Enabled

Contact Us

Have additional questions? Visit our agent portal SalesLink for other training resources.

You can also contact us directly at 800.445.6758 (Option 1, Option 1) from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. or via email.

Email us at

Wiki Help Page

What is a Wiki?

A Wiki is a web application that allows collaborative modification of its content and structure. We have taken our support documents for the annuity e-applications and posted them into this one collaborative platform.

Do I need to sign up for an account to use the F&G Wiki?

No, anyone with a web browser and Internet connection can access information in this Wiki. Some links on the Wiki site will require SalesLink access to view additional content.

What if I have a question that is not answered here?

You can contact us at the following number for additional assistance:

  • 1-800-445-6758 - Option 1, Option 1 for new business, application submission and general illustration questions from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. CT

  • Questions related to pending new business and application submissions can also be emailedSend an email to

e-App Training

Please click below to access our F&G Annuity e-App training video.

Watch F&G Annuity Training on Vimeo